What is consent? Consent can take different forms; from allowing conversation, to going somewhere with someone, to sexual consent. February is ‘Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month’. Talk to your teens, let them know to be strong, stand up for their values, their beliefs and to protect themselves. And if their answer is “No” , don’t let anyone sway your decision or talk you out of that answer. Your body is yours, you decide who you let into your personal space and you have final say on who you allow to touch your body!
Here are some consent tips:
• Communicate every step of the way. Don’t just assume!
• Consent means that everyone is clearly saying YES! Silence, uncertainty, or “maybe” doesn’t cut it. The absence of a “no” does not equal “yes.”
•You need to ask for consent every time, even if someone has consented in the past.
• A person can decide to stop an activity at any time, even if they agreed to it earlier.
• Above all, everyone has a right to their own body and to feel comfortable with how they use it.
Please share with your family, friends, children, anyone who you know has teens. If you or anyone else would like more information on protecting yourself and learning self defense, please contact Joshua with Triple Threat Self Defense, Text/Call (402) 312-8825, e-mail
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